Author Archives: Wally


Train long enough at a gym and you’ve inevitably sparred everyone dozens, if not hundreds of times. You know how they play, you know the techniques their good at, and they know your game too. This can be great because … Continue reading

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All the Joints, All at Once.

The overhead squat, like all the movements we do in CrossFit, is a diagnostic tool. The purpose of the doing the motion is to see where we need work. Is it difficult to keep the bar in the correct position? … Continue reading

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To Gi or not to Gi

To Gi, or not to Gi: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler with the grips to suffer The collars and lapels of outrageous fortune, Or to take arm drags against a rash guard of troubles, And by opposing choke … Continue reading

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Ida B. Wells Special

We’re offering $25 for an unlimited amount to training to all Ida B. Wells students and staff. You can take the CrossFit classes, the Yoga classes, the Martial Arts classes. All of it! You can check out the schedule here … Continue reading

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For most of us, it’s difficult to take criticism. We’re wired to take it personally. Clear pointers about technique get garbled inside our heads and we turn them into moral judgements. It makes the already challenging task of trying something … Continue reading

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