Category Archives: Martial Arts

Spooky Side Control

For October, we’re focusing on side control. One student, upon hearing this, was slightly shocked. “How basic,” he said. True enough, and we will spend plenty of time on the nuts and bolts of the position. We will also spend … Continue reading

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Leg Entanglements

September’s theme was leg entanglements. For those of us steeped in “regular” BJJ, all the new positions and movements can be baffling, but the rewards are amazing. Your guard passing improves because you can threaten leg locks at the same … Continue reading

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Which Martial Art is Best For Self Defense?

It’s a silly click-bait question, because even a single martial art is not a monolith. Let’s take the example of BJJ. If it is presented as a game in which you learn to beat other BJJ players at BJJ, that … Continue reading

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July Striking Theme: Lead Hook

If those wrasslers get to have a theme, then the punchy people should get one too… and so July became the month of lead hooks. Although throwing a good punch seems like it should be easy, it isn’t. It takes … Continue reading

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July BJJ Theme: Guard

Guard. If you look around a BJJ floor at any given time during rolls, you’re likely to see about 50% of the pairs of players in some sort of guard. Given the frequent occurrence of the position, it makes sense … Continue reading

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