Category Archives: Kids

Sharing the Knowledge

Today was a Gi day for the kids. We worked on how to hold the rear mount, and some finishes specific to the Gi from there. How did we know what to work? We let the kids play and find … Continue reading

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A Padded Difference

Look at all those pads. Padded mats, padded gloves, padded shin guards. Why so many pads? So we can play. Is it still a real fight? Absolutely not. So is it martial arts? Absolutely yes. We make sure to be … Continue reading

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I Wanna Spar the Coach!

All the kids want to spar the coaches in class. Why is that? Well, I think it’s because we’re super fun but also because we have really good control. Add on to that the fact that we’re much bigger than … Continue reading

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What are We Doing Today in Kids Class?

How do we choose what we’re going to do from day to day in kids class? If we supposed to be providing a broad, general survey of martial arts… how do we do it? We keep it pretty simple and … Continue reading

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2024 Winter Tournament

Why do we do kid’s tournaments? So many reasons. For one, they’re super fun. Almost all the kids walk away smiling (there is some disappointment, of course – not everyone gets a medal, but even many who don’t get a … Continue reading

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