Author Archives: Wally
Sharing the Knowledge
Today was a Gi day for the kids. We worked on how to hold the rear mount, and some finishes specific to the Gi from there. How did we know what to work? We let the kids play and find … Continue reading
Spooky Side Control
For October, we’re focusing on side control. One student, upon hearing this, was slightly shocked. “How basic,” he said. True enough, and we will spend plenty of time on the nuts and bolts of the position. We will also spend … Continue reading
Don’t Forget the Ankles
When you’re trying to throw a ball (or any object) fast, it’s important to use the explosive power of all your major joints. The trouble is you have to open those joints in the right order. In short, it’s not … Continue reading
Leg Entanglements
September’s theme was leg entanglements. For those of us steeped in “regular” BJJ, all the new positions and movements can be baffling, but the rewards are amazing. Your guard passing improves because you can threaten leg locks at the same … Continue reading
Our Play Program
That’s right! We’ve got a bunch of programs for kids ages 0-4. We’ve got baby sign language, family martial arts, music shows, Spanish story time, and more. Check it out under our SWPMA Play tab.