Category Archives: Martial Arts
Jabs and Down Dogs
Staying at home is hard! We hope that our workouts are helping. Today, we’ve got two offerings for you. First, we’ve got Alli running a conditioning workout. It’s got everything: a Yoga warmup, burpees, and squats. What else could you … Continue reading
At home martial arts #4
Three pieces today for the martial arts peeps: grappling skills, kata skills, and striking skills. I put the workout stuff on our page’s Facebook feed. Go here if you want to get all sweaty and stuff. As always, pick what … Continue reading
Kickboxing class
Your dream of a kickboxing class has been granted. The Wednesday 10am boxing class is now a kickboxing class. Don’t be sad. You can still punch… now you get to kick too! What will we do in class? Technique, padwork, … Continue reading
Angle of Attack
Pick your favorite technique. Now that you’ve got that in your head, how many different positions can you execute that technique from? If you can only picture yourself doing the move from one place, then applying the principle of angle … Continue reading
Brown/Black – Gear Switching
Doing some writing to communicate some ideas that I think will help MDP students specifically, but hopefully martial artists more generally, in their training. This piece is about the value of being able to switch gears which is an incredibly … Continue reading