Category Archives: Martial Arts
Day 81: Leading Centers
When you watch someone punch, what do you see move first? Their fist? Their foot? Their hip? Often, when someone strikes, they will move their head, shoulder, or hip. Those are the leading centers. So if you want to fake … Continue reading
Day 80: Defensive Choices
The simplest way to examine the fighting principle of defensive choices is to look at the way you hold your hands when you spar. So we kept it simple. Kid’s class today was all about trying out different covers. I … Continue reading
Day 79: Position
We decided to continue on our running theme of fighting principles. In martial arts, position is everything. In fitness, position is everything. The three most important things in movement are, after all, position, position, position. For kid’s class, we worked … Continue reading
Day 76: Constant Forward Pressure
The most fun fighting principle there is: constant forward pressure (CFP). The simple meaning of CFP is to just keep going. The more complex meaning is to keep feeding your partner problems, so many problems that they won’t be able … Continue reading
Day 75: Economy of Motion
Continuing our week of fighting principles, today we worked “Economy of Motion”. What’s that, you ask? It’s being efficient. How little energy do you need to use to accomplish your goal. One of the easiest ways to work this idea … Continue reading