SW Portland Martial Arts Blog

Day 16 – Bonus Video

March 29th, 2020

Probably, at this point in the stay at home party that is the corona virus crisis, you want to choke your kids anyway and maybe they want to choke you too! Well, what if I told you that you could channel that frustration into… martial arts training! Yay! Here’s a video that shows some very basic BJJ moves and games that you can play with your kid.

How to do BJJ with your kids #1 - The Rear Naked Choke

Day 15 – More Detailed Descriptions

March 28th, 2020

I tell you what! Doing new things means learning new things. Alli did a fabulous job coaching class today at 10am plus she pointed out to me that we should be adding more in-depth descriptions to our videos so when they are all stored in “the cloud” people can choose the workouts they want. ZAP! That’s learning! Coaches learning from coaches.

For the Noon striking class, I stole some footwork from a video that Jeremy showed on a video he posted, and then added my own fairly simple combo (slip, hook, retreat and jab). Punch it up!

Day 14 – Keep Moving

March 27th, 2020

We hope that we’re helping folks stay active! First off, we got the workout of the day. Having done the work myself, I’d give this one a 9 out of 10 on the intensity scale. It burned while doing it, and it will burn more tomorrow.

What did we do in kid’s class? Back rolls and donkey kicks! That’s right, we rolled around on the floor and kicked while we were down there. Good times.

Today was Jaydra’s internal martial arts class. Having trouble keeping calm? Breathe. Move. Do the class.

And finally, after doing the workout, I had enough energy to do exactly one YouTube video. The idea is simple enough – when you are doing shadow boxing, picture your opponent. When your brain gets tired of doing that, go fast and make yourself tired.

At home striking: see the shadows

Day 13 – Headstands, Jabs, and so much more

March 26th, 2020

Dug’s striking class today covered toe out kicks, jabs, crosses, and front kicks. What happens when you throw all those elements into a mix? Awesome combos.

Kid’s class was all about two of the hardest striking surfaces we’ve got: elbows and knees. Want to see me elbow a giant stuffed penguin? This is the class for you.

The CrossFit skills today were the headstand, the pistol, and the back roll. I won’t tell you what was in the workout, cuz that spoils all the fun.

For your kata work today, just do the form. We’ve been really specific with our foci in forms: arms only, legs only, slow, fast, big, small, etc. It’s important to sometimes to just do the form. Don’t do the moves with a goal in mind, simply let your body do the form and let your mind observe. Then, if you observed something you could improve, do the form again and turn that observation into a correction.

At home kata work: just do the form

Shrimp, bridge, yeah yeah yeah.. we all know those are at home grappling skills we should practice. But the scoot? Yeah. It’s that thing you do when you are sitting and your partner is standing and you need to make distance and create an angle. Will practicing it without a partner make you better when you finally get a partner again? Let’s find out. Do the work.

At home grappling: the scoot

Day 12 – Push ups, Side Kicks, and So many Posts

March 25th, 2020

Push ups as a skill? Heck yeah. Strength is a skill. You get better at it by practicing it. Watch today’s workout video and do the work.

Today in kid’s class we played the game “stick of no conscience”. It’s pretty much the most fun martial arts game ever. Did it work via livestream? Watch the video with a kid and see.

Lots of times, some of my best ideas come to me when I’m teaching kid’s class. Not too long ago, I had the idea to teach a “side body rock” to help the kids understand a side break fall. The awesome thing about tools that work for kids? They work for adults too. Watch the video and see if it doesn’t help clarify the side breakfast for your at home grappling work today.

At home grappling: side break fall

Side kick! Be that awesome shadow kicking figure on the front of every TKD gym. Why not? Besides, not only is it a fun kick, it works too. Watch the video and get to work on your daily at home striking practice.

At home striking: side kicks

What to do with your form today? Have fun. Do it with no arms. Do it with no legs. Why? Because it is fun AND it will force you to think about what you’re doing because if you aren’t thinking about what you’re doing then you’re just waving your arms and legs in the air.

At home kata work: armless and legless