SW Portland Martial Arts Blog

Day 27: ABT! Always Be Training!

April 9th, 2020

That’s right. Our online kids class has a slogan. Two actually, but I’m only going to talk about one today. ABT. Always Be Training. The idea isn’t that you’re constantly doing exercise – the idea is that no matter what you’re doing, do it with the same thoughtful attitude that you train with. In that spirit, today’s kid’s class features wrestling with stuffed penguins, playing soccer with toy cars, and kicking a balloon.

For striking class, Dug went backfist crazy. Also sidekick crazy. Which, when you put them together, is an immeasurable craziness of cool combos.

CrossFit class seems to be full of Tabata goodness these days. Is it possible to overdo Tabata? Probably, but I liked this one. 6 rounds of 4 movements, mashup style.

Thursday’s mean baby sign class! Want to learn about Easter/Passover signs? Look no further.

Baby sign class 4/9

Looking to keep your kata fresh, crisp, and delicious? Do it every day. Also, add variety by checking out my weekday tips on forms. Today we try putting in falls during the form, in an attempt to stay mentally engaged.

At home kata: falling for focus

Didn’t get enough of me choking out stuffies in the kid’s video? Well in this at home grappling video, I choke out a tiny stuffed doll. It’s amazing and you should totally follow along.

At home grappling: get up and take them down!

Day 26: So Many Options!

April 8th, 2020

Want choices? We got choices. Want solo grappling drills presented in a class format complete with warmup, stretching, and skills? Check out Dave’s class.

Want to practice your gymnastics skills and also get super sweaty and tired? It is all contained in my CrossFit class. Absorb the knowledge! Find your capacity!

Want a kid friendly class? This is our martial arts kid’s class. It’s got rolls, kicks, and an amazing game called enchanted forest. Plus you get two teachers and an amazing assistant!

Perhaps you were looking for a striking challenge? Here’s a short YouTube instructional I put together on how to throw the superman punch.

At home striking: the Superman punch

Or maybe you’re deep in kata work during this quarantine time and you are thirsting for more ways to improve your form? Look no further than this YouTube video on doing the form with your eyes closed.

At home kata: eyes closed

Day 25: Combos for All!

April 7th, 2020

What’s in a good combo? Quality ingredients. The skill combo in CrossFit today was Turkish get ups, back rolls, and airplane balances. There’s lots more in there too, don’t worry.

Dug’s striking class had 4 combos. They may all look similar, but that, my friends, is by design! When you’ve got lots of combos that are hard for your sparring partner to tell apart… they’re that much easier to trick. Also, he titled his video “Muggle dueling”, which is amazing.

For kid’s class, we’ve got the simplest but most fun kind of combos – DOUBLES. Punch once? Why not throw the same punch twice. Kick once? Why bother when you can throw the same kick twice.

For kata work, I copied the kids class. Double every move. That’s right – it’s simple, but not easy. Do the form normally, then do the form again but repeat each move twice. Fun, fun!

Take home kata: double

And finally for the at home grappling work, I show the partnerless scissor sweep and then combine it with… shadow grappling. It’s like shadow boxing, where you punch at an imaginary opponent but in shadow grappling… you wrestle with them.

At home grappling: scissor sweep

Day 24: It’s all sideways now…

April 6th, 2020

And by sideways, I mean we’ve got themes going on… sideways themes. In kid’s class, we did SIDE kicks.

And in the CrossFit workout, we did one armed presses. On one SIDE then the other SIDE.

For the solo striking work, we slipped to the SIDE!

At home kata work: shadow box interrupt

And for the solo kata work, shadow boxing came flying out of the SIDEhatch. (Okay, that one’s a stretch, but I was trying, I swear.)

At home striking: dodge into power

Day 22: Your Couch is a Workout Machine

April 4th, 2020

There you are. In your living room. The couch is the enemy, right? WRONG! The couch is an amazing tool that you can use to workout with. Watch how coach Alli turns that couch in your living room from zero to hero.

How do you work your striking without punch pads? Obviously, you use a plushy hedgehog toy as a target. Okay, maybe it isn’t obvious but most of y’all probably have a throw pillow or a stuffy or SOMETHING you can hit. Join Lara and I and get some punching in. Today we focused on level changing.