Category Archives: Martial Arts
The Freeze, Day 2
Martial Arts class: 4-6 year olds Martial Arts class: 7 years old and up Mo Duk Pai class Today we covered four basic kicks: knee kick, heel kick, toe out kick, and the front kick. CrossFit: Skills and Conditioning
The Freeze, Day 1
Oregon is in lockdown again… but this time it’s called “The Freeze”. Sounds more interesting that way, like some kind of superhero battle. Anyway, here’s our content for the day: 4-6 year olds 7 and up Martial arts CrossFit
Fending off a Wrestler
Striking to keep the Wrestlers at BayWatch this video on YouTube Suppose you’re sparring a wrestler. You know they are more skilled at the takedown and ground game than you are. They know it. No questions there. Suppose further that … Continue reading
Wrong Takes Only
Given that we can not speak of the actual Tao, what follows is my incorrect essay on the relation between the Tao Te Ching and Martial Arts: What is the most compelling opening lines of a book you’ve ever read? … Continue reading
Martial Arts and Philosophy
Given that one of the martial arts we study is called “Martial Ethics Method” and the fact that philosophy and martial arts have historically been strongly intertwined, I thought it might be fun to have monthly philosophy talks. We’ll vote … Continue reading