Category Archives: grappling
Why Worry About the Guard?
What’s the big deal with guard position? Why, if you look around the floor during a BJJ class are over half the matches mired in the guard? One reason is because it is a transition point. While neither top nor … Continue reading
To Gi or not to Gi
NogiWatch this video on YouTube It’s a basic question. Should you wear the pajamas when you wrestle or should you not? Depends on your goals. If you’re interested in self defense, you should do both. Most of the time, attackers … Continue reading
Can’t Armbar? Biceps Cut.
Biceps cutterWatch this video on YouTube Often when you go to armbar someone, they grab their hands together and hold on for dear life to prevent the finish. There are many solutions, of course, but one is to use a … Continue reading
Slow Cooking
Crushing you slowlyWatch this video on YouTube Have you been to the Wednesday night BJJ class yet? You should come. It is a party not to be missed. Everyone who comes is guaranteed a turn being on the receiving end … Continue reading
Wait, They Can HIT Me?
Get offa me!Watch this video on YouTube As a system, we try to continually emphasize practicality. Things need to work in order to stick around in our style. If they don’t work, we should discard them and change them out … Continue reading