Category Archives: Games
Kid’s Kung Fu Games for Increasing Incentive
Let’s say we just skip over the argument of “bribery vs. incentive” in working with children for a moment, and avoid the classic debate over the value of “intrinsic vs. extrinsic rewards”… In working with the students at Bridlemile Elementary’s … Continue reading
Medicine Ball Bowling
An old favorite from Sifu Kyle. The equipment: Three focus pads. One medicine ball. One marker (a cone, another pad, a stick, whatever) The setup: Take the three focus pads and set them against a wall any way you choose. … Continue reading
Medicine Ball Bowling
An old favorite from Sifu Kyle. The equipment: Three focus pads. One medicine ball. One marker (a cone, another pad, a stick, whatever) The setup: Take the three focus pads and set them against a wall any way you choose. … Continue reading
Medicine Ball Bowling
An old favorite from Sifu Kyle. The equipment: Three focus pads. One medicine ball. One marker (a cone, another pad, a stick, whatever) The setup: Take the three focus pads and set them against a wall any way you choose. … Continue reading