Category Archives: Adult Camps
Camp Class Preview
Strike, Takedown, PinWatch this video on YouTube This year, for MDP camp, I’ve been asked to teach a class about takedowns and groundwork for self defense. The two big questions behind the class will be: how and why might we, … Continue reading
Throwing Things
Throwing knives, throwing each otherWatch this video on YouTube This year at camp I taught knife throwing and people throwing. Specifically, I taught a basic knife spin throw and the basics of head control in relationship to throwing. In terms … Continue reading
The theme of this year’s Kung Fu camp was Innovation. How is Mo Duk Pai as a system innovative? What have we done to keep up with the ever changing martial world? There are classes on: A history of martial … Continue reading
The theme of this year’s Kung Fu camp was Innovation. How is Mo Duk Pai as a system innovative? What have we done to keep up with the ever changing martial world? There are classes on: A history of martial … Continue reading
The theme of this year’s Kung Fu camp was Innovation. How is Mo Duk Pai as a system innovative? What have we done to keep up with the ever changing martial world? There are classes on: A history of martial … Continue reading