Author Archives: Wally

The Full Panoply

All the things in AprilWatch this video on YouTube We do a lot of different stuff at the gym, so much stuff that it’s sometimes difficult to explain all the different pieces. No problem. Here’s a rapid fire series of … Continue reading

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What are We Doing Today in Kids Class?

How do we choose what we’re going to do from day to day in kids class? If we supposed to be providing a broad, general survey of martial arts… how do we do it? We keep it pretty simple and … Continue reading

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Strength At Length

Do you struggle with persistent mobility issues that don’t respond to traditional stretching, foam rolling, or bands? You should sign up for Scott Hagnas’ Strength At Length seminar. What is it? It’s a 6 week course designed to improve your … Continue reading

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Technique Triumphs

Want to be move faster? Improve your technique. Want to lift heavier weights? Improve your technique. Want to look cooler while you lift? Improve your technique. How does good technique make you faster? Spend the time to trim off excess … Continue reading

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Themes of the Month

For our BJJ program, we have started doing monthlong blocks. What does this mean? Well, February has been (and continues to be, for another six days) half guard month. Why? It helps students and teachers alike get a little deeper … Continue reading

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