Author Archives: Wally


Courtney got her first band-free kipping pull up tonight!  It’s been a long time in the making – lots of green and blue band use (maybe even some black band way back) – lots of watching other athletes kip – … Continue reading

Posted in CrossFit | 3 Comments

Theme of the Week: Breathing

Much is made of breath work in parts of the martial arts community.  Breathe a certain way and you’ll gain more power.  Exhale at the proper moment and a punch won’t feel quite as nasty on impact.  Maintain a certain … Continue reading

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Everyone has come to expect the strength days once a week.  Sure, they crop up on different days of the week, so you’re never really sure exactly where they are but you know they are there lurking somewhere within those … Continue reading

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The Arm Triangles Keep Coming

Seems like we go over the arm triangle at least once a month during grappling class.  Why?  Because we’re starting to get good at it.  Students are starting to see it from different positions – they are sinking it deeper … Continue reading

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Let’s take two approaches to constructing a couplet.  In the first one, let’s make the two moves as seemingly unrelated as possible.  In the second approach, let’s make the two moves obviously related. For our specific instance of an “unrelated” … Continue reading

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