Author Archives: Wally

You Are How You Move

If you are what you eat then you are also how you move. Your daily habits matter. Two hours of CrossFit a week will not undo forty hours a week of sitting in a chair. Five minutes of foam rolling … Continue reading

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Theme of the Week: Range of Motion

Can you move both shoulders through a normal range of motion without pain? Can you sit all the way down into the bottom of a squat without your knees hurting? Can you throw a side kick up to your own … Continue reading

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Fight gone bad is a workout that, for most of us, requires some strategy. Let me start by explaining who doesn’t need strategy. If you can go through all five movements and all three rounds without stopping, then you don’t … Continue reading

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What Words Mean

Slow speed. What is slow speed? How do you grapple at slow speed? How can you possibly get anything done at slow speed? When you try and do something, your partner is going to see it and counter it and … Continue reading

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The Usual Miss Steps

It is by no means universal but there is a fairly predictable line of progression as students learn the Olympic lifts. Most students start by doing something that approximates a bent over row and then stand up straight, bringing the … Continue reading

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