Day 34: Sharpening New and Old Skills

I hope y’all are enjoying the skills in the CrossFit videos. I’ve picked a few to work on during this Covid excitement that I’m a total beginner at. And, of course, the nice part about being a beginner is that you make a lot of progress. The rough part is you’re really lousy at it.

Are you missing sparring? I’m missing sparring. I’m sure anyone who was going to sparring class is missing sparring. Well, whatever, even if you aren’t missing sparring, watch Dug’s class and keep your kicks and punches from getting rusty.

What skill did we work in kid’s class? A new one or and old one? Both. In the same technique! We worked a Judo throw called Tomoe Nage (which we like to call the Captain Kirk throw because… well, just go watch an old Star Trek episode where Kirk throws some poor alien) which has a skill we’ve touched on several times in our online classes – the back roll – but it adds the crazy twist of throwing someone over your head as you do so.

For the grappling video, I choke my new dummy (literally) of a partner with an arm triangle. Join me. It’s triangle week here.

At home grappling: arm triangle

And the kata video? I update you on my creative form progress. Why am I making up a form? Why wouldn’t I?

At home kata: creative form update

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