Day 25: Combos for All!

What’s in a good combo? Quality ingredients. The skill combo in CrossFit today was Turkish get ups, back rolls, and airplane balances. There’s lots more in there too, don’t worry.

Dug’s striking class had 4 combos. They may all look similar, but that, my friends, is by design! When you’ve got lots of combos that are hard for your sparring partner to tell apart… they’re that much easier to trick. Also, he titled his video “Muggle dueling”, which is amazing.

For kid’s class, we’ve got the simplest but most fun kind of combos – DOUBLES. Punch once? Why not throw the same punch twice. Kick once? Why bother when you can throw the same kick twice.

For kata work, I copied the kids class. Double every move. That’s right – it’s simple, but not easy. Do the form normally, then do the form again but repeat each move twice. Fun, fun!

Take home kata: double

And finally for the at home grappling work, I show the partnerless scissor sweep and then combine it with… shadow grappling. It’s like shadow boxing, where you punch at an imaginary opponent but in shadow grappling… you wrestle with them.

At home grappling: scissor sweep

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