At Home Workout #7

I think we’re hitting our stride here. Check this out. I can embed a Facebook video! The theme of the kids class this morning was “around”, which meant hook punches, roundhouse kicks, and jumping around.

For the daily workout, I won’t spoil the conditioning, but the skill work was pushups, L-sits, and monkey! I have a feeling I’m going to come out the other side of this crisis as a master gymnast… or well, at least a lot less bad than I was.

Then we had Jaydra’s first internal martial arts class – live from her kitchen!

For grappling today, I made a video that hopefully inspires you to peel apart the difference between a shoulder roll and a somersault. Heck, maybe you can even do a backwards somersault better than me… shouldn’t be too tricky.

At home grappling work: shoulder roll vs. somersault

For the striking, we’re poking at the hook punch again. What can I say? I’m obsessed. I get stuck on a thing and do it over and over until I get less bad at it. Hopefully this video gives you a slightly different angle.

At home striking #7: the lead hook again?

And last, but most convenient for solo practice, today for kata work try your form in a… confined space! Heck, you might be stuck in a tiny room. Ideally, you can do your form in a big open space (your yard), then a decent sized room, and finally a small space like your bathroom or a hallway. Life is an adventure. Make your kata an adventure too.

At home kata work #7: confined space

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