What Words Mean

Slow speed. What is slow speed? How do you grapple at slow speed? How can you possibly get anything done at slow speed? When you try and do something, your partner is going to see it and counter it and then nothing happens.

It’s a hard one. You’ll know that you’ve got a good partner when you do a move at slow speed and they counter at slow speed. You’ll know you’ve got a good partner when you do a move, they try and counter at slow speed but can’t quite stop you. You’ll know you’re doing a good job as a partner when your partner does a slow speed move on you and your brain tells you that in order to stop that move you’d have to speed up… and you don’t speed up.

You’ll also know you are a good student when you realize how hard it is to let go of the idea of winning and actually go slow speed. It will take time but the ability to go slow means you’ll be able to grapple safely will partners and still be able to explore the art.

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