SW Portland Martial Arts Blog

September Focus: Footwork and Strikes

September 2nd, 2015
Bagged me some Tabata

For quite a while we did a theme of the week.  Then we did monthly challenges.  Now we’re doing a different focus each month.  Probably in the future, we’ll change again.  Such is the way of things.

While it endures, the monthly focus will be me picking two rows off the requirement sheet and making sure we touch on both those things during every Kung Fu class that month.  Which, for this month means we’ll be punching and moving our feet a lot.

The purpose is the same purpose as always: to make everyone who trains here a better martial artist.

All Your Gis are Belong to Us

September 1st, 2015

imageOur BJJ program is 1 year old today!  Hoorah!  There has been so much growth in everyone’s grappling game at the school – even amongst those who don’t go to the BJJ specific classes.

Not only is today the 1 year anniversary of the program but it was also the 1st day of our new “no Gi” class!  Super fun stuff.

All of which leads us to the amazing photo above and the awesome patches pictured therein.  Do you have your own Gi?  Does your Gi have a beautiful WAKF patch sewn onto it?  Did you know you can buy said patch for a paltry five dollars?  Patch up your Gi!

Happy BJJ anniversary and many chokes to all.

New Class

August 31st, 2015

imageIf you’re wondering what the new Monday night 8-9 class called “chi-Sao / dirty fighting”… wonder no longer!  Here is a photo of the class in action.

Punches, kicks, footwork drills… All the things you love to do, rolled into one glorious hour.  Come on in and join the fun.


August 30th, 2015

Maybe you’ve noticed Charles, in the corner, for the past 3 months, working on his squat.  Perhaps you were puzzled by this.  He can squat low and heavy.  Why is he over there in the corner, doing all that weird mobility work?

The answer, my friends, lies embedded in the video above.  Check out the lack of butt wink.  (Lower back tucking under, for those of you who don’t know the term.)  This work is an example of solving a movement problem BEFORE it becomes an injury.  Excellent work!

I vote we get him a shirt that says “Ask me about my life without butt wink.”


Fall Schedule Update

August 21st, 2015


The new season brings a new schedule!  This is effective starting Monday, August 31st.