SW Portland Martial Arts Blog


June 18th, 2020

We’re open tomorrow! Happy Juneteenth! Happy grand re-opening?

We’re excited and nervous. Excited because it has been 14 weeks. Nervous because all our usual systems and schedules are scrambled. We’ve got a plan. Undoubtedly, it will change. We’re looking forward to adapting with the ever changing flow of events.

To register for classes, go here.

We were going to make face coverings “highly recommended”, but the governor is making them mandatory – so that just got one step easier. Wear a mask and we’ll see you in the gym.

What Will Kid’s Class look like?

June 10th, 2020

Are you wondering what kid’s class is going to look like when we re-open?

Well, here we are setting out a plan. Students have to wear masks. Everyone gets their own taped off space to do work in. There are no partners. There will be lots of technique practice. Lots of forms. Lots of burpees. Fun is promised.

Watch this video we made to give you a preview and see what you think. Register for a class here.


What will Martial Arts classes look like?

June 10th, 2020

How in the heck will we do martial arts class when we can’t have partners? We’ll be offering a “striking skills” class and a “grappling skills” class. What are those?

Striking skills class will be putting on some gloves and doing bag work. Kicks, punches, elbows, that kind of fun stuff. We’ll work technique and we’ll get sweaty. You should sign up here. Watch this video to see what it looks like.

Grappling skills will be rolling around on the floor, falling, and practicing techniques in the air. We will get sweaty. You should sign up here. Watch this video to see what it looks like.

Hope that helps!

Day 84: Grappling Skill Preview

June 6th, 2020

Today I made a video trying to capture what the “grappling skills” classes will look like when we re-open. If you’re wondering if you should attend, check it out, see if it is for you!

Day 83: Uncertainty

June 5th, 2020

You don’t get to choose how your partner reacts. The more you train, the better you become at guessing what your partner will do, but you’re never sure. The more you train, the better you are at limiting your partner’s actions and making them more predictable. And yet, you never know.

In kid’s class, we explored the fighting principle of uncertainty. I think it becomes easier when you admit you don’t know that things are uncertain, admit that it is scary, and then try to solve the problem none the less. And in the context of training, it helps if you make things into a fun game, so that when you guess wrong, you can laugh and learn.

For CrossFit class, I goofed around with the hollow hold. Because, I mean really, how much is there to learn from holding the hollow position? Okay, a lot. But it is more fun if you rock side to side and move around your feet and just generally goof off… sometimes.

Check out the weekly internal martial arts class.