Category Archives: requirements
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the adult requirements lately and I’ve been organizing them in the same way that I organized the kid’s requirements (all on one piece of paper, showing the progression from white to black). Anyway, … Continue reading
Technical Standup
There is a requirement on the kid’s list called the technical stand up. So what is it? Simply put, it is a way of getting up off the ground. What makes it technical is that when done properly, a student … Continue reading
And then the Inward…
Yesterday I posted a quick movie on the outward crescent kick and the spinning outward crescent kick so today seemed like a good day to post on the inward crescent kick and the spinning inward crescent kick. The footwork for … Continue reading
Outward Crescent Kick
This kick, in our style, is a straight leg kick. This means there is no chamber and there is no snap – you simply swing your leg through an arc and try and make contact at the highest point of … Continue reading
First Third
So in the new kid’s requirements, for orange sash, it says that students must know the “first third” of Sui-Wan. Perhaps that is confusing… what is 1/3 of the form? Here it is, courtesy of two students who graduated from … Continue reading