Category Archives: grappling
…But Keep the Old
In nearly all things and endeavors, novelty has a strong pull for us humans. Grappling is no different. We want new moves: new submissions, new reversals and even new positions. It’s not a bad thing – a new technique is … Continue reading
Mount and Bridge
For our Mother’s day grappling class, we made two short films on the mount position. In the first video, we define and describe the position itself. In the second video, we describe one technique (the bridge) for getting out of … Continue reading
Are You Going to Just Lie There?
I can still recall the first time I saw an MMA fight in which one of the fighters was standing up and the other was on his back, with his legs in the air. I thought for sure things were … Continue reading
Do Not Join the Zombie Army
Coach Bill Bradley of Alive MMA came out to our place today and told us… not to join the zombie army. That is to say, he told us to (almost) never reach both arms straight out as a defense – … Continue reading
Two Times a Day
Working the cross body today in grappling class. Working the idea of how not to get yourself key locked. It’s a rough life down there but one that can be assisted by getting an underhook and getting out from under … Continue reading