Author Archives: Wally

Yeah, but less Seriously

We are, for better or worse, stuck inside these mortal bodies. Given that, it makes sense to put some effort into maintaining a decent state of physicality so that you can have some fun during your brief sojourn on planet … Continue reading

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A Padded Difference

Look at all those pads. Padded mats, padded gloves, padded shin guards. Why so many pads? So we can play. Is it still a real fight? Absolutely not. So is it martial arts? Absolutely yes. We make sure to be … Continue reading

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Do the CrossFitters Get a Theme?

Yes they do. It’s not fair that the martial arts people have all the fun. The CrossFitters get the super cool themes… like July’s theme: bagel jokes. I mean, also we focus on two movements for 10 weeks at a … Continue reading

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July Striking Theme: Lead Hook

If those wrasslers get to have a theme, then the punchy people should get one too… and so July became the month of lead hooks. Although throwing a good punch seems like it should be easy, it isn’t. It takes … Continue reading

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I Wanna Spar the Coach!

All the kids want to spar the coaches in class. Why is that? Well, I think it’s because we’re super fun but also because we have really good control. Add on to that the fact that we’re much bigger than … Continue reading

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