Author Archives: Wally
How can we train for what we don’t know? Sounds impossible, right? And yet, the fight is unknown. We don’t know who our opponent will be. We don’t know where the fight will be. We don’t know when the fight … Continue reading
Common Rowing Mistakes
It’s not very action packed and does not contain exciting narrative but I figured the folks at concept 2 maybe know something about how to use the rowing machines they make. So yeah, watch the video and let’s all glide … Continue reading
Marketing Crew
Just for the summer, I’m renaming kids class to “outdoor marketing crew”. Kidding. However, it is super fun to take the students outside and play. One of the notes on my desk this month says “make sure they walk out … Continue reading
Bend This U
Many of you have told me that you are getting great feedback by seeing yourselves move on film. That’s awesome. Here’s another one that I don’t think I’ve filmed yet. Hollow body rocks and bridges. What are we, some kind … Continue reading
Some Sacrifices
There’s a world of difference between tournament sparring and kickboxing. In tournament, we make light contact. In kickboxing, you can hit as hard as you want. It’s no surprise that the defensive choices one might make in kickboxing are fairly … Continue reading