Author Archives: Wally
Theme of the Week: Drills
If you check our requirement list, you’ll see on the left the list of categories: strikes, kicks, tumbling, throws, forms, weapons, etc. One of those categories is drills. This week we’ll drill the drills. There is some point to doing … Continue reading
And Now We’re Even Older…
5th anniversary workoutWatch this video on YouTube 5 years. Why it seems like only yesterday that the school was nothing more than a fanciful idea in our minds. Now look at it. All grown up, hosting charity events and having … Continue reading
More Classes
Deads againWatch this video on YouTube For those of you who were bummed about all the 7pm classes disappearing, one of them is back. There is a 7pm Wednesday class back on the schedule. It is a beginner CrossFit class. … Continue reading
What Happens
How does the bag make me look?Watch this video on YouTube I talk about this idea a lot in CrossFit but I feel like I don’t hammer it home quite as much in Kung fu classes: skills need to be … Continue reading
Wiping windshields is hardWatch this video on YouTube The joy of movement is exactly that – joy. Sometimes in CrossFit we try new movements because it is fun to see what your body can do. Today we played with the … Continue reading