Author Archives: Wally
Pushing the puncherWatch this video on YouTube How do you practice grounding? Okay, first of all, what is grounding? Grounding is being able to stand firmly in the face of challenge. For tonight we made that challenge trying to punch … Continue reading
Sweep Them!
Sweeps against standingWatch this video on YouTube What do you do when you end up on your butt and the other guy is standing up? Wouldn’t it be cool if you could knock them to the ground and get on … Continue reading
Elbows Down!
Elbows down and inWatch this video on YouTube There I am in the video telling you to keep your elbows down when you wall ball. Here I am with text, telling you to keep your elbows down when you wall … Continue reading
Posture, posture, postureWatch this video on YouTube Stand tall, friends! Because hunching over looks unhealthy. Because you will get no repped at the end of your squat if you don’t. Because jump roping while standing tall is more efficient that … Continue reading
Supporting Roles
Each according to their bodyweightWatch this video on YouTube As we make our way through this barrage of overhead squats, let us take a moment to appreciate all the ways we can get better at overhead squats without actually doing … Continue reading