To The Back!

The video shows a couple of iterations of the sequence we worked today in grappling class.  We used an arm drag (it is the same sitting as standing) to pull ourselves up, grab the lat, swing around, get a hook in, roll to the side and then close the choke.

As many of the students noticed, there are a lot of transitions in this sequence.  This means there is tons of opportunity for feedback.  If you don’t keep the arm close to your chest during the arm drag, your partner will get their arm back.  If you stay to high up on your partner in the turtle position, they will throw you forward.  If you are careless with your hand while going for the choke, you’ll end up in a hand fight instead of happily closing the choke.

Don’t view all these opportunities for things to go wrong as a bad thing.  Instead, view it as an opportunity to sharped both your game and your partner’s game.  Thanks to Carson from Alive BJJ for the sequence.

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