While mount isn’t the best position in grappling, it’s pretty darn good. Mount is also a great position to work when you are thinking about patience.
One of the problems I suffer from (and I suspect many other people do as well) is that when I get a pretty good position, I get excited and start fumbling around for a submission. Usually, if I’m grappling with someone of quality, this means I’ll not only lose the submission I’m going for but I’ll also lose the good position I have.
What a bummer.
So to remedy that lack of patience, today we looked at a few ways to make a good position (the mount) even better. We looked at isolating an arm (or two). We looked at stretching out the legs with the grapevine and we looked at eliminating our partner’s hips by sliding our knees into their armpits.
Be patient. Improve your position until it is unassailable.