Front squat. Back Squat. Overhead Squat. What’s next? Diagonal squat?
No. But I did forget to make a video of the skill work this week so as an attempt at an apology, here’s a link to a video of the snatch balance. And in addition to forgetting to make a video, I’ve been teaching a heaving snatch balance. Oops. So it goes.
Why so many squats? Because, my friends, life is like a box of squats.
You Ain’t Squat Squat
Part 1: Skill Work
3 Rounds, not for time
1 minute plank hold
5 back rolls (over the neck)
5/5 kettlebell clean and jerks
Part 2: Metcon
5 min AMRAP
5 Front Squats (135/95)
10 Grasshoppers (2=1)
1 minute rest
5 min AMRAP
5 Back Squats (135/95)
5 Toes to bar
Check the whiteboard for scores.