Other Side of the Half Guard

Last week we worked getting out of the half guard when we were on top.  This week we worked getting out of the half guard when we’re on bottom.

We worked on getting an underhook and using that control to either sneak out, sweep or take the triangle choke.  After thirty minutes of working the technique, we went live… from the half guard, of course.  The idea, as always, was to see if we could apply what we just learned… or what we learned last week.

In non-grappling news, this marks the start of a new month!  Congrats to all who participated in the stance holding challenge.  This month the challenge is to write and/or draw about your training.  You’ve got three levels to choose from:

  1. Write 300 words and/or draw 3 pictures
  2. Write 1500 words and/or draw 15 pictures
  3. Write 3000 words and/or draw 30 pictures

Feel free to post your martial musings to the comment section.  They don’t have to be related to the blog entry (but they must be somehow related to martial arts).  Good luck!

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