Do Not Join the Zombie Army

Coach Bill Bradley of Alive MMA came out to our place today and told us… not to join the zombie army.  That is to say, he told us to (almost) never reach both arms straight out as a defense – it’s not effective.  Instead, he offered up the solution of trying to roll over to one hip in order to get out of the bottom position.

As if the colorful zombie reference wasn’t enough, he went on to dig into the CrossFit canon of moves and compared getting out of the bottom of the cross body position to doing a Turkish get up (TGU).  In the case of grappling, trying to reach both arms up at the same time and doing a sit up allows your partner to pin both your shoulders to the ground and squish you.  In the instance of doing a TGU, lifting up both arms and trying to do a sit up allows the weight to pin both your shoulders to the ground and gets you a no rep.

So, next time someone asks you to join the zombie army, say no.  Also, if you find yourself on the receiving end of a cross body position, get an underhook, roll to the side and get out to a happier place.

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