
If grappling is like chess (as they so often say) then it must share that wonderful characteristic of the fork.  The fork is when you put your opponent in a position such that whatever choice they make in response, they end up in a worse place than where they started.

The classic, of course is to use your knight to threaten two of their pieces at the same time.  Your opponent is forced to choose between losing one piece or the other.  Usually, if they are thinking clearly, they’ll choose the piece of lesser value.

So it is in grappling that often you go to set up to get the kimura or arm bar from the bottom position in guard but the flower sweep is right there as well.  So basically, you’re giving your partner a choice: do they want to get submitted or swept?  Most folks choose getting swept (though like chess, it’s not always clear what is at stake) over getting swept.  Either way, you’ve won the match by submission or you’ve come out with top mount position.  Bad options for your partner, great options for you.  Classic grappling fork.

Check the whiteboard for the lesson plan.

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