
What’s a post?  A post is a limb that your partner has put out in order to stabilize themselves and prevent you from reversing positions.  For instance, when your partner is on top of you in the mount position, often their knees are serving as posts, stopping you from rolling them over.

Why do posts matter?  Because, as already mentioned, they get in the way.  What do you do about them?  You “kill” them.  To “kill” a post means to take away your partner’s ability to stabilize themselves.  In the aforementioned case of them having you in mount and them using their knees as a post, you wrap one of your feet around their foot.  If done properly, this keeps them from adjusting with the knee (because they can’t move their leg very well with you holding it down) and thus when you go to do your reversal, they can’t post effectively.

Irritatingly enough, folks will instinctively post with an arm when you kill the leg post.  If only people would cooperate, martial arts would be so easy!  However, killing the arm post is a lot like sweeping out a foot after someone kicks.  You wait until right as they are set the limb down and then you pull it out from under them.  In the case of a sweep, this is generally done by using your foot on their foot.  In the case of someone posting with an arm from mount when you’ve killed the leg post, you use your arm.  If you time the sweep and a powerful lift of the hips properly, you’ll be able to reverse the position.

Post, get out of my way.  Click here to see the lesson plan.

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