Moving Forward

As a teacher, I try to communicate to students that learning is its own reward and that practical knowledge is gained through hard, consistent work.  It’s a special joy to reward students with a tangible notice of their efforts – to give them a new belt.

In many ways, not having formal tests for the kids program is a blessing.  It encourages kids to train hard every day rather than work hard only in the build up to a testing date.  It relieves anxiety that many students feel about testing.

The hard part about not having a formal test though is communicating to kids and parents what is required to get rank.  At base, students must know their requirements and train twice a week.  Past that, the lines get a bit fuzzier – focus, effort, creativity, being a good partner, confront.  Every student is different and thus every time someone strives for rank, the hurdles are different.  Never be afraid to ask what needs to happen.  My goal is to move every student in the school forward.  Most students want to move forward. While asking your teacher for clarification may not make getting rank any easier, it hopefully will make understanding what is required – clear.

Check here for feedback from the adult students.

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