Part of what it takes to get your first rank in our kid’s program is simple memorization. For example: Kick Combination #2. It’s 3 kicks: starting from a left tiger, you throw a shuffle up left roundhouse kick, then a rear leg right roundhouse and then a step behind right back kick. Not easy to picture, I know, but run with me here.
Why memorization? What purpose does it serve to have sequences like this in your head when a self defense situation is a fluid thing? Well, for the majority of students, operating in a fluid way requires years and years of training basics – memorized sequences… in combination with creative drills. Most students need to be taught some basic ideas to be creative with, otherwise they flail their bodies in imitation of the latest popular martial arts movie and don’t learn much from the creative drills. How important are the basics versus the creative drills? The answer, as usual, is a balance between the two. Someone who studies just the basics will have trouble applying them in a situation that varies from what they have memorized. Someone who just works creative drills is liable to take quite a bit more time to grasp some fundamental concepts that could have been imparted quickly with basics.
So after drilling kick combination #2, the students got to simply move forward and kick. That’s the idea behind the combination – apply forward pressure while striking. The particular kicks, targets and sequence are great but in no way sacred. Could students get the idea of kicking while moving forward without kick combination #2? Undoubtedly, but hopefully having a concrete example helps them get it quicker.