A Throw is a Punch… A Punch is a Throw

med ball shotput style
We practiced some “rotating” combinations today in kids class.  What’s a rotating combination?  It’s when you twist your torso and throw two strikes in rapid succession.  The strikes follow the line of rotating.  One example would be twisting to the left while throwing a left hammerfist and a right roundhouse punch.  A less skilled example would be spinning around wildly and letting your arms flail in the direction you are spinning.
By having the students throw a ball at the end of class, the hope was to get them to make a more general connection about body mechanic – that turning the body can add power.  If you watch the video closely, you’ll see that the students are not only rotating as they throw the ball, but also leading with the elbow that isn’t holding the ball.  This was an attempt to more closely imitate the “rotating” combination idea.
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