Bears, 3/4 Bears and 1/2 Bears

Today in kid’s class for conditioning, the students had some choices to make.  The goal was to get as many points as possible in 3 minutes.  To get points, they simply had to get from one side of the floor to the other – the method they chose determined how many points they got for doing so.
  • Lunges – 1 point
  • Reverse lunges – 2 points
  • Bear walk – 1 point
  • Wounded bear (3 limbs) – 2 points
  • Lame bear (2 limbs) – 3 points
Is it better to choose the low scoring faster moves or the higher scoring slower moves?  Or is it better to switch between movements so as to not get too tired?  So many choices.
Click here to see the adult student’s thoughts on grappling class today.
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