Morning Yoga

This morning’s Yoga class centered on breath, and for once, I Lara, was able to carry this over into the rest of my day as the other drivers blazed past me… while I actually I obeyed the rules of the road in paying attention to the speed limit along Barbur Blvd, which required great efforts in mindful relaxation as far as I was concerned.  In getting back to the class though, what I have really enjoyed about participating in the Yoga classes offered by Anneke at WAKF is the fact that I feel completely comfortable in branching off a bit here and there to address personal needs…  The class in not so formal that I resist avoiding the poses that aggravate my back injuries to include a bit of my PT work, or so hurried that I can’t remember to do a bit of extra warm-up on my knees prior to digging in for the day.  I very much appreciate her well-versed reminders to keep it all in check, laid-back manner, and the overall non-competitive vibe of the class.  Drop in, and go check it out for yourself: W, Th , F 9-10AM!
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