How do we choose what we’re going to do from day to day in kids class? If we supposed to be providing a broad, general survey of martial arts… how do we do it?
We keep it pretty simple and rotate between 3 things: striking, throwing, and ground grappling. That means on any given day, we might be doing any one of those things.
Yeah, but back to the original question, how do kids know what to expect? Well, if they really pay close attention (or ask) they’ll notice that we simply rotate through the three. One day we’ll do striking, the next throwing, the next ground grappling… and then the cycle repeats. If they are super sharp (or again, ask) they’ll notice that there’s a second cycle where we rotate between wearing the Gi (the funny pajama looking jackets) and not wearing the Gi. That one goes: striking, throwing, grappling, striking, throwing with the Gi, grappling with the Gi, repeat.
Two more things confound this cycle. One is that on Sunday, with the older kids, we start to put the three things together, allowing them to strike, throw, and grapple. And the final factor is that we throw in games, self defense drills, handstands, burpees, kata, and whatever else we can think of to keep things fresh.
The end result is (we think) a broad introduction to the world of martial arts.