Day 55: Changing Styles

I thought I’d change the style of the aggregating posts. Instead of embedding stuff, I thought I’d just share links instead. Hopefully, if I continue with this format, I’ll have something pithy and clever to say at the beginning of the post that fills everyone with hope and joy but for now I just have this paragraph… whatever it is.

CrossFit class – in which I finally figure out that if you stretch your other arm out, you can use it as a counter balance. More evidence as to why I favor the tortoise in the race against the hare.

Here’s the kid’s class – in which I tackle a stuffed penguin and punch into the air. It’s not that I don’t like teaching to a camera – it’s that I fear it may be unsafe for my sanity. 🙂

Here’s the internal martial arts class. It’s all about observation… because if you can’t tell what’s going on, how can you do anything about it?

Here’s part 5 of the Mo Yee Do video series I’m doing. This video covers the “elbow” section. It has 6 moves, so it’s a bit of a doozy and on top of that, the second side ends slightly differently from the first. Breathe deep. You got this.

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