Day 46: Building the Skills

Today’s CrossFit skill work featured the headstand. On a whim, I switched between two different versions of the headstand today – one on the hands and one on the forearms. Why? Because skill work is playtime. If you’re not giving into whim at least a little bit, you’re probably taking your workouts too seriously.

In today’s striking class, Dug works jabs after kicks… because if you kick and just hang out… the bad guy is gonna get you! No seriously, punch after you kick. Or move. But don’t just hang out after you kick.

For Kid’s class, we worked on constantly moving our feet. Moving feet are happy feet. Also, it’s harder to hit a moving target than a stationary one. We also played a game where Lara threw puppets at us again. Very cool.

And for kata work, I’m still plugging away on Mo Yut Do. Today I poked at footwork a bit.

Mo Yut do: footwork

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