Foot Sweeps

Getting a foot sweep to work on a fully resisting opponent is a major victory. It is hard to set up, hard to execute and hard to finish. This doesn’t make it an invalid technique. In fact, I think it makes it all the more fun. If you manage to put someone on the ground with a foot sweep, it is a good day.

In sport grappling, we’ve got to do more than just put them on the ground, we’ve got to follow up and get good position. Sadly, when you sweep someone out, they often recover and get their legs up and turned toward you. While you aren’t on the ground and in their guard, you do have that old familiar problem of getting past their legs.

Our solution today was to grip the pants, swing the legs out of the way and then take side control. From their, life should be happy and full of beautiful submissions for the taking.

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