January is Armbar Month

What better way to start 2025 than by learning all the details of the armbar? (The correct answer, by the way, is that there is no better way.)
Okay. So maybe armbars are awesome but aren’t there like… other submissions in BJJ to learn? Absolutely. However, it’s not an unreasonable thing to claim that if you don’t have an armbar, you’re missing a major part of the game. Just digging through a list of statistics, the armbar is either the most common submission, or the second most common submission. In either case, it should be high up on your list.
Suppose you hate the armbar and feel dirty using it on people. That sounds rough, but even in that scenario, you should learn it inside and out because everyone else is going to try and do it to you.
If all those words don’t convince you then listen to these: the armbar sets up all sorts of other submission opportunities, as well as sweeps (assuming you’re trying your armbar from the bottom.)
Gi or no gi, let’s get those armbars locked in, people!

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