Spooky Side Control

For October, we’re focusing on side control. One student, upon hearing this, was slightly shocked. “How basic,” he said. True enough, and we will spend plenty of time on the nuts and bolts of the position.
We will also spend time looking at how to flow from side control to other positions – like mount, rear mount, north-south, and kesa getami. As you may already know, it’s not enough to know one top pin – people who have trained for a while know all sorts of escapes and if you hold on desperately to only one pin, they are more likely to escape.
In addition to transitioning to the “big” top positions, we’ll also look at how to move from side control to increasing positions of control. While you can submit beginners from regular side control, against skill people, more is required.
The lesson I hope to take from this month, as always, is to move, and adapt to the situation at hand. Onward!

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