I’m going to try and put out an at home workout for all our members everyday this covid outbreak is hanging over us. Hopefully, this helps keep us together as a community, and helps keep us healthy. Here’s my first effort. Any and all feedback is appreciated.
I’ve broken the workout into 7 parts, pick all the pieces that seem relevant to you. Each piece has a short video explaining the movements and the structure.
Warmup: Light joint movement and 3 sets of: 15 jumping jacks, 10 good mornings, and 3/3 triangles.
Gymnastics skills: Alternate 5 sets of: 30 seconds of hand balance, 15 seconds of hollow hold. Rest as needed between sets. Pick an appropriate hand balance for you (plank, frogstand, headstand).
Striking skills: Jab, Double jab, jab + cross, jab + hook, jab + roundhouse, fake jab + body lock. If you were in class last week, you’ll recognize many of these.
Grappling skills: 10 rounds of (back breakfall + up kick + tech stand), (side breakfall + side kick + tech stand left), (side breakfall + side kick + tech stand right)
Kata: Do your form once with steady breathing, once with forcible breathing (exhale on the strike) and once with square breathing (inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four, exhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four).
Conditioning: 10 min amrap (10 squats, 10 pushups, 10 squats, 10/10 grasshoppers)
Mobility: 2 minutes boxed pigeon on each side, 1 minute half crucifix each side.