As a system, we try to continually emphasize practicality. Things need to work in order to stick around in our style. If they don’t work, we should discard them and change them out for something better.
BJJ works. The techniques are solid for defending yourself if you have been taken to the ground. The techniques are also solid for using to pin an opponent to the ground and keep them under control. As an BJJ practitioner will tell you, when it comes to self defense and practicality, you need to drill your BJJ against strikes. If you don’t, you will be in for a sad surprise when you try to use your grappling in a self defense situation.
So tonight we worked a simple mount escape against no resistance. Then we added some slow punches in. It is remarkable how much more difficult the reversal is to do when someone is hitting you (even slowly) BUT it still works – and it will work even better if we practice it more… back to work.