Ground Out

What better way to conclude the week on “base” by throwing each other in grappling class? (None.)

I am looking forward to the new schedule in September. Four grappling classes a week. My plan is to include standup throwing work in all of those classes because it is something I feel like we need to work on as a school (read: Sifu wants to get better at throwing people.)

Today in class we worked a rear post throw and transitioned to an arm triangle. My hope was to not only get the students throwing one another but to also get folks to grasp that one of the biggest skills in martial arts is seizing opportunity as it arises rather than being obsessed with what it is you wanted to get. How did we do that?

Well it is always nice to throw someone and take their back. Most of the time however, they turn toward you instead of away and your dreams are ruined! Instead of fighting it, roll with it, take top mount and snag the arm triangle while you are at it. Adapt.

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