Emergency Procedure

Double over pass (muted microphone)

So, there you are in the guard again.  No!  How did this happen?  Alright.  Don’t panic.  Breathe, relax and go through these seven easy steps and get OUT of the guard.

  1. Posture.  Sit up.  Tighten your ab muscles.  Don’t get pulled down into the guard.
  2. Press firmly down on your partners hips.  This structure makes it hard for them to pull you down.
  3. Create a wedge with your knees.  Put one knee under there tailbone and turn the other knee out at a 90 degree angle.  (Don’t compromise your posture when you do this.)
  4. Wrap your arms around your partner’s knees and squeeze their knees together.
  5. Put your ear on one of their thighs.
  6. Slide across (and possibly down if their legs stayed up) into side control.
  7. Don’t get put in guard again.

The video shows all these same steps but there was a bit of a malfunction during filming (the microphone got covered up) so hopefully this detailed explanation fits in well with the (nearly) silent movie.

Keep in mind this plan must be adjusted according to changing circumstances on the ground.  It is but one way to get out of the guard.

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