
The theme of the week is “being a student”.  I want to emphasize that in our system, getting your black belt means that you continue to be a student.  For me that has meant training in other systems and trying to integrate what those systems have to offer back to Mo Duk Pai (MDP).

One of the measures of a black belt in MDP is that they should be able to walk into most any martial arts school and have a basic understanding of what is happening – to be able to participate without feeling like a complete novice.  A black belt, then, should have a basic understanding of many different aspects of the art.

The video above offers an introduction on how to reverse four different grappling positions.  It is by no means comprehensive.  There are many more positions and many more reversals.  Grappling, like most aspects of the art, is quite deep.  I feel like someone who has a good understanding of these reversals could walk into a grappling school and be able to participate without feeling lost.

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